Another Year in the Books
It seems impossible that we were just saying "Goodbye 2010" and now Father Time is about to hand over the reigns to Baby New Year once again. For the second year in a row, I thought it would be worthwhile to take a trip down memory lane and recap the major events in the 2011 leg of our photography journey. So grab your camera, pull on your walking shoes and lets go!
January 2011

When we weren't Horsin' Around with the local "wildlife" we were looking for landscape shots worth stepping outside of the heated car interior. In the search we found ourselves at a "Dead End".

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

It was around this time last year that I captured two red-tailed hawks performing the "spring ritual" and thinking I'd just witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime event. Well, when you start to pay more attention to the things around you, you find that "acts of nature" may not be as rare as you think - especially in the bird world. These two Kestrels repeatedly enjoyed the romantic ambiance of our yard shed to the point that we dubbed it "The Love Shack". These same two also took up residence in a nest box we erected in one of the trees and continued to educate us all summer long while they raised their new family.
May 2011

The snow is nearly gone and the spring rains bring life back to the sleeping greenery. With deadlines bearing down on me at my "day job", it's starting to become obvious that this is NOT going to be a typical summer. In between meetings and project tasks I made a quick day trip to our beloved Door County to open up the camper for the summer season. It was on my return trip that I captured this Broad-winged hawk hunting from a power line.
June 2011

July 2011

Selected specifically for their stability and hands free operation, these kayaks allow us not just to enjoy some much deserved downtime on the local waters, but also to move us and our cameras closer to the local wildlife.

September 2011
Toward the end of August, we received an invitation to attend my wife's sister's wedding in Idaho. It definitely wasn't a planned trip, but at the same time it was LONG overdue. Throwing caution to the wind, we loaded up the back of the SUV, packed the parrots in the back seat and headed west. It was an incredible trip with incredible photo opportunities...
...the Sawtooth Mountain range in Idaho...
...Mormon Row in the Grand Tetons ...
...and the incredible beauty of Yellowstone!
While we weren't able to invest even of a fraction of the time we'd have liked, the experience opened up a whole new realization as to how spectacular locations can make such a profound impact on your photography outlook. We will definitely be going back.
October 2011

November 2011
November was a HUGE improvement over October on the picture taking front. Instead of no photos, I took 3! All 3 were of our feathered children at their birthday celebration which was featured in the blog post on creating triptychs in Lightroom.
December 2011
It really is difficult to believe that another year has come and gone. On the one hand I feel somewhat guilty for neglecting my camera in what was an incredibly busy year. On the other, I look back at the things we've accomplished in our education together on the blog, the additions made to the photography toolbox and the amazing opportunities realized in a nearly 4,000 mile round trip across the country.
Some 3 years, 360 blog posts, and roughly 24,000 shutter clicks later, I can't even begin to express how much my life has been enriched by the addition of that magical whirligig called a "camera".
So, with this last post of 2011, I'd like to once again thank my beautiful wife for her love and support as well as that incredible gift that started this journey those 3 short years ago. I'd also like to thank all of you for your continued readership and contributions to the blog. Without a doubt, I look forward to the coming year and continuing on this journey together.
See you in 2012!
Happy New Year
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