Wildlife Photography: Are you an Observer or a Participant?

My wife and I both love the outdoors, wildlife and, of course, photography. You put the three together and naturally you will find yourself with an interest in photographing wildlife. What is less obvious, however, is how those three interests are seemingly at odds with one another.
The Photographer and the Outdoors
If you're the outdoors type, you've undoutedly heard the saying "Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories". Personally, I like to think I subscribe to that philosophy and do my best to uphold it. There's no conflict for me to be sure that the empty water bottle or empty sandwich wrapper come out of the woods with me when hiking the trails. Heck, I'll even pick up someone elses garbage if I should come across it. That being said, the relationship we share with the outdoors is pretty easy to understand for most of us.
The Photographer and Wildlife

The Photographer, the Outdoors, Wildlife and the Camera
Now introduce the camera and your desire to capture and share the beauty of the outdoors/wildlife. For me, the introduction of the camera into the human/wildlife relationship begins to really complicate things. First off, while my intent IS to shoot the subject, it's not likely to kill the subject and I'm not going to eat the photo. The good news - the subject doesn't need to fear me. The bad news - they don't necessarily appreciate that fact. The below osprey image is a case in point.
This family's nest is atop a utility pole on an island on the Wisconsin River. This same island also happens to be a recreational area containing biking and walking trails that pass right by the base of the utility pole. From their nest, these osprey observe the comings and goings of probably hundreds of humans each day - most of whom probably have no idea that the osprey are even there. And then there's me.

Shooting with a 300mm lens, I was still on the path and approximately 50 yards away when I decided to take a few shots of the osprey enjoying the fish. During this time, the osprey's attention was still focused on the fish and I played the role of observer happily rattling off shot after shot. Then the osprey registered my presence and looked straight at me while I looked back at it through the viewfinder. In the blink of an eye my role changed from observer to participant.
Whether the osprey had decided on its own that lunch time was over or whether my presence influenced that decision, I saw it dip back and push itself up in to the sky with those mighty wings before flying right over my head with the full on stare of those yellow eyes you see in the photo above. While I was excited to capture the image, I felt like the "birdie paparazzi" at the same time. I felt like the 3 year old holding the rock.
The Photographer, Wildlife and other Wildlife

Recently my wife took cover in a location where she was able to observe them coming and going into the nest and photograph their activities. We suspect that we are on the verge of hatching some Kestrel chicks any day and the adults behavior has begun to change. They are staying noticeably closer to the nest and, therefore, capitalizing on food sources in closer proximity. When my wife captured a photo of the male returning to the nest with a baby song bird in its clutches, she found herself being pulled from the land observer into the realm of participant. While she didn't intervene, it was impossible to prevent her attitude toward the Kestrels from changing. Suddenly she wasn't as excited about their presence and not sure she'd be so happy to have them return next year.
So where does the observer/participant line exist for you if at all? Are you comfortable with the "creed" to always observe the animal's needs before your need to "get the shot"? Or do you, like me, struggle and find yourself justifying your actions (I wasn't the only one on the bike path....It wasn't MY fault)? Do you cover your eyes when the lion brings down the baby wildebeest, accept it as the way of nature without prejudice, or find yourself somewhere beyond observer and closer to participant?
Please, use the comments section below and voice your opinions. We'd love to hear from you.
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