Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Composition - Study it

Over the last several weeks we've discussed how to impact the composition of your photos through depth of field, using the Rule of Thirds, and shooting in both portrait and landscape orientation.  We could spend the rest of the year on the subject if we wanted to talking about complementary colors, contrast, zoom compression, etc., etc.  Personally, I found that when I started getting into some of these topics while educating myself I started to feel overwhelmed.  If I really had to think about all of these things when I put the viewfinder to my eye, especially when just starting out, taking photographs would have become less enjoyable for me. 
For me, it's about finding a scene that moves me and then capturing it in a way that I can share that experience with my viewer.  That's it.  I'm not thinking, at least consciously, these "colors should go together". If you have the patience and desire to read about the color wheel, by all means help yourself.  If that doesn't sound like a lot of fun, then maybe you should do what I did - take and review photographs.
That's right, the key to better photos is to take more photos. Lots of them.  When you're not taking photos, look at photos from other people who's work you admire.   What is it about your favorite photos that grabs your attention?  What is it about other's photos that you find intriguing?  Is there a particular subject matter that you enjoy above all others? By asking yourself these questions and narrowing in on the answers, you will help to develop a style that will improve your captures. 
I'm not saying that reading about the color wheel isn't important.  What I am saying is that at some point its time to put down the books and pick up the camera.
Watch for Friday's post where I'll share links to some of the places I go to "study" the composition of some amazing photographers.
Until next time, keep click'n.


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