Monday, October 15, 2012

Star Wars Fans?

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”. 

Well, how about 35 years ago in our own galaxy? Today’s post is a ways off the norm, but illustrates another great use for your DSLR – taking individual shots of a vintage Star Wars action figure collection you’re trying to sell Smile.  But wait, there’s more.  How about leveraging your Lightroom knowledge to create a contact sheet of all of the cataloged images?

(click either image for larger view)

Pretty cool, huh?  And then let’s not forget the ability to shamelessly plug the sale of the collection on your blog! 

If you or anyone you know happen to be (or would like to be) Star Wars collectors, check out the entire photographed collection of action figures at 

These are just the action figures.  There’s a number of vehicles and other items I’ve not yet posted.  Eventually they’ll find their way to EBay unless I can find someone interested in the entire lot.  Spread the word (who knows, maybe there’ll be a commission in it for you) and may the force be with you.


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