Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Title This...

No matter how many times I put the lens on these beautiful birds it never gets old.  This shot was taken moments after the eagle had dove from the top of a tree on the opposite side of the river in an attempt to snag a fish, but ultimately came up empty handed.  He then continued on to my side of the river and perched just a few trees over to regroup.

From this perspective it looks as though he's contemplating the leg bands and is deep in thought.  I know I'd love to know the history of what this guy has been through.  Other images such as the one to the right indicate he may have undergone some rehabilitation for trauma sustained to its beak.  Whatever the reason, he's a big beautiful, wild and free bird today and for that we are happy.
Have an interesting title for this image? Use the comments section below to share it with the rest of us. 


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