Title This...
"Timmy the Turtle Sports a Kickstand". "Look, Ma - No Hands!". "Timmy never plays with the other aquatic critters - he always uses his shell as a crutch"...
Alright, maybe it's just me, but I find this to be a pretty funny shot :-). This Painted turtle watched as I paddled past with only enough reservations about my presence to put 1 foot down on the log. As I got far enough away that he felt comfortable again, both front feet went back to the "resting" position which left him propped up on the stick beneath his shell. What a life.
I'm sure there's more titles floating around out there for this one. If you've got a humorous title, use the comments section below and share with the rest of us. Timmy would appreciate it. ;-).
Alright, maybe it's just me, but I find this to be a pretty funny shot :-). This Painted turtle watched as I paddled past with only enough reservations about my presence to put 1 foot down on the log. As I got far enough away that he felt comfortable again, both front feet went back to the "resting" position which left him propped up on the stick beneath his shell. What a life.
I'm sure there's more titles floating around out there for this one. If you've got a humorous title, use the comments section below and share with the rest of us. Timmy would appreciate it. ;-).
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