Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Instant Message an Image from Lightroom 3

Here's a little tip that can be pretty handy when you've just offloaded some new images from your camera and want to quickly share with a friend via IM to get some instant feedback.

Simply create a new Export Preset (File\Export...Add) and name it something intuitive so you'll know this is the one to use for IM sharing... I've named mine "IM Share".  Set it to "Export To: Hard Drive" and then review the following settings:

  1. Export To: Where on your computer would you like to store the exported image?
  2. Image Sizing: No need for a 12MB RAW file.  I like to re size the exported images to 1000 pixels on the long edge at 72ppi.  Large enough to review, small enough to allow for quick transfers.
  3. After Export: You can get pretty creative here and automate processes including attaching and sending via email.  For my intended purpose of sharing via IM, I simply open the folder in Windows Explorer automatically.  That way I can drag and drop the image from my Explorer window into my IM client for sharing.
Make sure you save the preset and you're ready to roll.  Now when you decide you'd like to IM the image you're looking at in Lightroom, all you need to do is right-click, select Export from the context menu and then pick your newly created preset.

Until next week, keep on click'n.


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