Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Title This...

If you read Monday's post here on the blog you got a sneak peek into this week's "Title This…" subject and you're also expecting an answer to the question you were left with on Monday. The answer is…'s an Eastern Milk Snake ( Thank you to those who helped me to get the answer!

As you can see from the above, my friend wasn't all that happy with me being there to take his picture. Feeling threatened, the snake pulled itself up into a coiled strike position and vigorously shook it's "rattle-less" tail in protest. In tribute to the display, I titled this image "Try Me!". Shortly after, the snake slithered off unharmed to the safety of the roots of a cedar tree and I went on down the path made richer from the experience.

Now it's your turn. Use the comments section below to suggest your title and remember to have fun!


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